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Fixed vs. Variable Rate Debate Favours “Clearer” Winner

Let’s talk about the age-old question of whether it is better to go with a fixed-rate mortgage or to roll the dice on a variable-rate mortgage. Some Background Historically, variable rate mortgage holders on average have come out ahead over their fixed rate holding neighbours. Whenever you look at long-term averages, there are always exceptions […]

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Your First Home Savings Account (FHSA) 2024

As of April 1st, first-time home buyers in Canada will have a new tool, the First Home Savings Account, to help them save for the down payment for a home purchase. This is a great program for prospective buyers. What is a First Home Savings Account? The First Home Savings Account, or FHSA as it […]

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Can the New First Home Savings Plan Help Me?

Keys to your new home

As of April 1st, First Time Home Buyers in Canada will have a new tool to help them save for the down payment for a home purchase. The First Home Savings plan or FHSA (First Home Savings Account) as it will be known, is a registered savings plan that will be administered by qualified, participating […]

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When is the best time to refinance my mortgage?

As a St Thomas mortgage broker, we often get asked “when is the best time to refinance my mortgage?” Like many questions, there is not always an easy answer. The answer will depend on many factors that are unique to your situation. Are you up for renewal? Everything being equal the best time to refinance […]

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Guide To Reverse Mortgages

Hamilton Mortgage

Have you been living in your home for a while and have accumulated a substantial amount of home equity? Are you over the age of 55 and are looking for an extra source of income? Well, if this is you then you have come to the right place.  Here at Canadian Mortgage Authority, we have […]

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How A Home Equity Loan Works

Are you currently a homeowner and have you been living in your house for a long period of time? Do you consistently make payments every month toward your Hamilton mortgage and are in need of some extra funds? Well, if this is you then you may be able to qualify for a home equity loan. […]

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Market Update: St. Thomas

  Goodbye Summer and hello Fall! The fall season is a great time to become a homeowner because you do not have to worry about all the competition associated with a purchasing a house in the peak spring season. This means you have time to look at different properties and not feel pressured to make […]

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What Rising Mortgage Rates Mean For You

  An increase in mortgage rates is something no new buyer or existing homeowner wants to see. But why do we always see a fluctuation in rates? To help give you a better understanding, our team at the Canadian Mortgage Authority has explained how a rise in mortgage rates can affect you. Why Rates Are […]

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Fixed Vs. Variable Rate Mortgages

Grimsby Mortgage

Obtaining a Hamilton or Grimsby mortgage can be overwhelming for any first-time homebuyer. With multiple different loan options available on the market today, our team at Canadian Mortgage Authority understands how confusing it can be trying to pick the best option for your financial situation. This is why we are devoted to educating every homebuyer […]

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